The story centers on three Portuguese children at the apex of World War I who witnessed apparitions of the Virgin Mary, who told them three secrets. Doubting family members and aggressive government officials tried to silence them from sharing these messages that would change the world, but the Roman Catholic Church validated the children’s visions establishing Fatima as a pilgrimage site.
Marco Pontecorvo is set to direct Fatima and will produce along with Rose Ganguzza, Natasha Howes, Richard I. Lyles and James T. Volk and Origin Entertainment. The movie, which also stars Sonia Braga and Joaquin De Almeida, is shooting on location in Lisbon, Portugal.
Visnjic is repped by WME, Management 360 and Jackoway Tyerman.
Origin Entertainment is a broad based film and television production company committed to making a positive impact on the modern world through transformative entertainment. Our mission is to produce films that evoke the audience’s desire for the heroic, foster a generosity of spirit, and inspire them to make choices for the greater good.
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